Thursday, 17 April 2014

tv blog 17-04-14

World championship snooker sat 1pm bbc2 35 per cent

Snooker is back and this time it is back over easter. 15 reds yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black set in certain places the white having to be behind the yellow green and brown. Hosted by Hasel Irvine and assisted by John Parrot with Dennis Taylor (1985 vs Davis) and Steven Hendry (7 time world champion). There are people to watch like Ronnie O’ Solavan and Mark Allen for what they might say and other favourites for wh might win Selby, Fu, Higgans

Rockets island cbbc channel 5.30pm 92 per cent

In this show we get the chance to see a very odd island. Anything can happen and in some cases it does. Like the time that they thought there was something in the telephone box and it had all of the answers to every question on earth and them med an old man who confirmed it. But they found out it was the kids sisters boyfriend

2 broke girls e4 930 thu 88 per cent

In this show we get to see a former rich girl who has to live with a very poor girl because her father embezzled money. She finds it difficult to understand what real people do. And working in a shop with a very small Asian character and being the third party in a relationship between a hooker and a hobo. In every episode it is there sole mission to get as much money as they can so they can sell their cookies.  

Star Crossed sky 1 8pm

This is a show explaining what life would be like if us as humans lived with aliens seeing how some people are nice and some don’t care. There is one person who is in it solely for the money and that is what she wants. There is a person alien relationship that seems human and there are people who just hate the concept. We got the chance to see the Aliens fall from the sky



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