Tuesday, 15 April 2014

tv blog 15-4-14

Person Of Intrest c5 thu 10pm 60 per cent

This is a show showing what exactly computers can do as this genius has made a computer that can tell you what crimes are going on and who needs to be protected. One man is set up to protect the client using corrupt cops and the other is using the computer and is able to read it and to understand it. The one who understand the computer thinks he is in control but when other factors come he realises sometimes he is not.

The Guess list sat 9.30pm bbc170 per cent

Hosted by Rob Bridon This is a very funny show based around the format of blankity blank where the contestants have to try to answer the questions

Amazing Greys sat  8.20 itv1 77 per cent

Paddy Mc Guinness is the host of this show where older people show that they can beat the younger players in their own spefic event but the young ones do get a head start at one of the games and as it is first to two the younger ones think they should win. Angela Rippen is captain of the greys  

Celebrity Driving Accademy cbbc weekdays 4.30pm 80 per cent

In this show we get the chance to see how Adults really are as drivers as they compete with their kids in driving challenges. Hosted by Jo Swash we get the chance to see a driving instructor giving driving tests to people making the tests harder for the adults than the kids. Brian Connelly is one of the drivers in the first week.  


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