Monday, 21 July 2014

TV Blog 21/07/2014

CHILD GENIUS -Channel 4 9pm *****

This is a show that shows the life and times of a child genius and what MENSA try to do to see who are the smartest kids in the country. We get to see their parents and how they cope with having a gifted child. Some of them think that they are doing the right thing while others are clueless.

 THE MILL -Channel 4 8pm SUN *****

This is a drama about what life would be like a few generations ago and what the things were like at that time for them. We see that the poor refusing to take money of the rich and how they feel that this s unfair and the rich part of the country want it to be one for all and all for one.

WITCH WAY  -NICK Weekdays 5.30 *****

This is a drama about what life would be like if you did not know that you were a witch.  We get the chance to see what the younger ones reaction is and how they communicate with their parents about it.

LOUISE -FOX Thursday 11 pm  *****

This s an interesting twist on a children’s Tv series, as he that they talk about include things like drugs and other things similar to that.

ROYAL MARINE  SCHOOLCOMANDO channel 4 9pm *****  

We get the chance to see what life is like in a command school and whether or not the people in the training camps like it or dislike it and how they equipped to deal with.

The 100 e4 9pm *****

This is a show set years in the future asking what would life be like if we had to set 100 people on a desert planet to save their lives. What is it that they would do to change the rules so they would think that they would have an advantage like not giving information?  We begin to see how the leaders are and what they think is needed.